Help for the Holidays

December 20, 2018
Help for the Holidays


December 20, 2018

Santa’s elves have been hard at work making new Catacombs swag.
Santa’s elves have been hard at work making new Catacombs swag.

The holidays are here and, like most people, I am feeling stretched a little thin. Don’t worry though, Catacombs has you covered for last minute gift needs, a plan to get on track (or back on track) in January, and new class times and options to make it even easier to take care of yourself. Read on for the details then pick up some new merch, sign a friend up for Catalyst, and let’s finish 2018 with positive momentum.

New Winter Hats and Wool Trucker Hats
Yes, I know we are coming in at the last minute with these, but they are AWESOME. Each hat is one of a kind and made from recycled wool. We have a limited supply and there will not be a second order so get yours today. Both styles are $30.

New Class Times
We are adding additional class times on Saturday and Sunday beginning in January. Class times move to 7:30, 8:30, and 9:30. Open Gym will follow from 10:30-Noon on Saturdays. This will hopefully let more of you get your workouts in on the weekend and meet your goal of getting to the gym 4+ times per week!

New Yoga Class
One of the takeaways from the last Whole Life Challenge was the value of just slowing down, breathing, and bringing the intensity down on occasion. Most of you guys are hard chargers not just in the gym, but in life. By popular demand, we are adding Sunday afternoon yoga (for pig-headed, immobile CrossFitters). There will be a whole post on this in the next few days, but for now, know that we have your back and beginning in January, you will have an outlet for all that intensity and an opportunity to work on your mobility and recovery, as well.

Starting at Catacombs in January?
We need your help to get the word out. Folks looking to start at Catacombs in January have 2 options. The Catalyst program is an 8 week program that begins January 7th. It is for those new to CrossFit or those looking to make a major change in their health and fitness beginning in the new year. You can find out more about Catalyst here.

The second option for joining Catacombs in the new year is through private training. For most people, it is the best way to move the needle on your health and fitness. The training plan is designed specifically for you and your goals and the accountability is built in. You can learn more about private training here or email us at to set up a time to come and learn more in person.

Group Class Membership
We are so grateful for the membership growth we have seen in 2018 and the success of Catacombs, but we need to pause and take a breath. As such, new group class memberships at Catacombs are limited to specific class times. We want new members at the gym, but we also have an obligation to serve our existing members. We are committed to making sure we continue to deliver unmatched value in our coaching and individual attention. That is our standard and temporarily limiting new memberships is the only way to meet that standard.

There are many class times still open for new members and we maintain a waiting list for other class times. Class times currently closed are 5:30 AM and 6:30 AM. We will re-evaluate capacity on March 1st and hopefully open those class times up to those completing the Catalyst program or looking to move to group classes from private training.

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