Catacombs Games Reprise!

September 7, 2019
Catacombs Games Reprise!


September 7, 2019

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Happy September Catacombs Family—

Every year, the larger body of CrossFit holds a 5 week test of fitness known as the CrossFit Open. Traditionally, Catacombs participates by holding our own version known as the Catacombs Games. We are less interested in the competition aspect but we are super stoked on the community aspect! If measuring your fitness against the rest of the CrossFitting world is your thing, no problem! We will 1000% support you in that endeavor. But if you are more interested in meeting some new friends or if having fun with your swolemates is your priority, there is no better place to be in October than Catacombs.

For those who have been around awhile, you know the drill. We form some teams, bring some food and drinks, sweat a little bit, and have an all around awesome time. In years past, this has happened in February and March. The greater CrossFit Gods have moved the festivities to October which means this year we get a double dose. This won’t happen again until next October so don’t sit this one out.

I totally get that some of you may have other obligations on Fridays in October. It’s high school football season after all. That’s totally fine. Come when you can. The rest of us will be sweating, cheering, eating and laughing.

And as always, we need some volunteers to lead up our teams. Our team captains are the lifeblood of the Catacombs Games. They help organize themes, rally the troops, and keep everything fun. We couldn’t do it without them. We need folks that know the Catacombs Games inside and out as well as new members that are excited to get involved and make some new friends. We will pair you together to make this year’s Games the best ever.

Sign up sheets for team members will be available in the coming days. For now, I’m looking for Team Captains. Please shoot an email to if you are willing or interested in helping.

Stay tuned for much more info!

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