Get Ready for SWEAT!

August 6, 2019
Get Ready for SWEAT!


August 6, 2019

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It’s the dreaded time of year when summer vacation begins to wind down and we begin to ponder back to school time. While not dreaded by all, it definitely puts a damper on my summertime buzz. I love the long unstructured days with tons of sunlight and blue skies. While I will keep my fingers crossed for a long Indian Summer, I’m looking forward to the routine and predictability of September as well.

When teachers and students go back to school, we typically see a bump in attendance in all of our classes. Folks are back from vacation and the rigid routine lends itself to getting back in the gym. Some of our classes that had lots of spare capacity over the summer will begin to fill up again. Please help us by reserving classes online, using the waitlist if necessary, and only reserving classes that you plan to attend. Please do not reserve every day of the week at a certain time with the intention of canceling the night before if you don’t like the workout or are just feeling tired. That isn’t cool or community friendly.

But here is the exciting news! We are adding 10 more classes per week to our already 45 class strong weekly schedule. These classes will feature our Unloaded programming track to give you more options for your daily workout. Workouts are 45 minutes long, more cardio intensive and involve less weightlifting than our regular classes. They are also a great option if you are feeling a little beaten up but still want to get in a workout. The new name for these classes is SWEAT! and they are included at no additional cost in all regular memberships. Class times are Monday through Friday at 7:30 AM, 1 PM, and 4:15 PM. These classes will begin August 26th.

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