Is the Whole Life Challenge for You?

September 19, 2019
Is the Whole Life Challenge for You?


September 19, 2019

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We are a community united in our goal of becoming the best versions of ourselves. We work hard in the gym. We support one another in workouts. Health and fitness incorporates much more than our workouts, however. Our overall health is heavily impacted by how much and how well we eat and drink; the quality and amount of our sleep; how we manage stress and the ways in which we take care of ourselves. The Whole LIfe Challenge is my favorite lifestyle challenge because it addresses ALL of those factors.

I have participated in this challenge at least a half dozen times now. Some have been hugely successful and life-changing for me. Others, I have honestly limped to the end barely able to finish. In every case, I have learned. In some cases, I have learned new recipes or new strategies to stick to my plan or a new lifestyle practice that I can employ to help manage stress. In less successful challenges, I have learned about myself…both what motivates me and what discourages me. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Whole Life Challenge will change you.

What is it? Well, simply put, it is a 6-week lifestyle challenge that we all do together. The whole point is to change your habits and raise awareness. If you change a habit for 6 weeks, it could just change your life. The nutrition component is huge but it is only one component AND you can choose your level of buy in. Whatever the current kryptonite is in your life that keeps you from being your best, chances are the Whole Life Challenge gives you the opportunity to address it. Better still, you get to use this community to support you and hold you accountable while you work on it. What could be better, right?

So, is the Whole Life Challenge for you? It is if ANY of the following resonate with you:

  • You are ready to take steps (small or large) to address the holes in your wellness game (stress, nutrition, hydration, sleep, exercise).
  • You’ve been around Catacombs for awhile but have never actively focused on improving the other components of health and wellness.
  • You are new to Catacombs and looking for a way to get more closely connected within the community.
  • You want to lose weight/look better/feel better.
  • You’ve done the Whole Life Challenge in the past and need to hit the reset button once again.
  • You’ve hit a plateau in your fitness and deep down inside, you know you have to look deeper than your workouts.

Watch this short video to learn more about how the Whole Life Challenge works and if it is for you. I'll give you a hint…it probably can’t hurt. Talk to a coach if you want more information or go ahead and take the plunge and sign up here. Once you have joined, make sure to select Catacombs as your team or we won’t be able to support you.

Dates and Cost—The Whole LIfe Challenge kicks off September 28th and runs for 6 weeks. You do not need to be present to win…the challenge is 100% virtual and can even be practiced on vacation! Friends and family members are also welcome to join our team. The cost to play is $49 if you sign up before 9/23 and $59 if you come late to the party. That is such a low barrier to entry and I guarantee that you will get more than $59 worth of value over the 6 weeks. Just improving a single habit by a small degree can have an exponential impact throughout your life.

I’d like to personally invite you to participate in the Whole Life Challenge with us. No arm-twisting; just an invitation. Let us know if we can help you decide.

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