Just Start

February 16, 2022
Just Start



February 16, 2022

You know those projects that continuously get bumped to the bottom of the to-do list, like reorganizing the garage, cleaning up the inbox, or purging the closets? There’s a specific feeling after finishing one of these projects when you step back, observe your accomplishment, and you just feel… lighter. Clean. Clear. Yes the process can be tedious or not much fun, and maybe there is a point where you think, “What have I gotten myself into?” Yet the hardest part of these projects is not usually doing them. The hard part is starting.

At Catacombs we believe that being healthy should not be at the bottom of the to-do list. But we do recognize that getting started is the biggest hurdle, and we may not always enjoy the process. We recently finished our new outdoor space (come check it out if you haven’t!). It is easy to watch a construction project and not see much happening. A beam pops up, bolts screwed in, cement poured, it snows, thaws, ladders move from one side to another. How long will it take–a week? Another month? It is hard to tell in the middle of a project how far you’ve come or if the end is in sight. And then, just like that, our members are working out under the heaters and lights like the new space has been there all along.

Fitness is like construction. Some days it doesn’t seem like you are making much progress at all. Maybe you are doing unexciting accessory work, and you wonder if it is helping. Maybe you were tired and you modified the workout to meet your current energy levels; or you changed your diet but haven’t lost weight yet. But then there are the obvious days of progress, the big energy days–the ones where you stick with the harder weight option, hit the new PR, lay on the ground post-workout because you gave it all you had. The days where you look in the mirror and like what you see. 

Point is: The project gets done. The construction gets done. You get stronger. 

Do not be overwhelmed by starting. Do not lose faith in the process. Catacombs is a place of daily progress. Both private clients and group classes alike recognize that showing up is the hardest part. We watch people of every age, ability, and goal walk in the doors with determination and out with satisfaction. 

There is nothing sweeter than a sense of accomplishment. We are here to support your fitness journey, to hold you accountable, and most of all, to remind you that every time you show up, you are one step closer to meeting your goals. 

Trust the program, enjoy the process, celebrate the results. All you have to do is start! 

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