2022 CrossFit Open is Here!

March 3, 2022
2022 CrossFit Open is Here!



March 3, 2022

The 2022 Open has arrived, and the first workout is complete! We have over fifteen Catacombs members and coaches participating, many of which have been preparing for months. For some, like Coach Ricky, this is his 12th CrossFit Open. For others, this is their very first time, and they are learning that the Open workouts are a different beast compared to our daily WODs. The Open is a series of workouts over the span of three weeks testing the limits of strength and skill, and for elite athletes, it is the qualifier to make it to the CrossFit Games in August. 

The Open is special for so many reasons. For one, gyms around the world are all attempting the exact same workouts. You know that your same suffering is felt by people in Japan and Norway and South Africa too, which perhaps doesn’t ease the pain, but it does make us part of something bigger than our gym alone. The Open is also an incredible way to challenge ourselves. Nearly every time, the “Open magic” allows an athlete to accomplish a new movement– whether it’s their first chest-to-bar pullup or a power clean PR, it’s an incredible thing to witness (or experience yourself!). 

Another reason we love the Open is the community it creates. This year, we are holding our judged workouts on Saturday mornings, and many athletes’ friends and family come to spectate. Last weekend we even had a group wearing custom tee-shirts to cheer on their friend for their first Open. It is awesome to see so many new faces at the gym, sharing high fives, yelling for them to get the last lift or one more rep. It is also a great way to show your friends what we are all about, when many have no idea what actually happens inside our walls.  

Perhaps one of the best reasons to participate in the Open is to test your own limits and see how you have grown from year to year. Coach Ricky has competed at the highest level, and although he no longer is focused on making it to qualifiers, he still participates because “it’s a test of where my fitness is against my younger self and against the greater CrossFit community in my age group.” He notes, “Comparative fitness seems to be one of the best indicators [of health],” and believes it is the greatest hedge against sickness. By monitoring and improving your strength, stamina, power, and the other indicators of fitness, you are more likely to live a longer, healthier life.  

The first workout, 22.1, was a 15 minute AMRAP (as many reps/rounds as possible) of 3 wall walks, 12 dumbbell snatches, and 15 box jump overs. There are three categories: RX’d, Scaled, and Foundations, which means ANYONE can participate, no matter their skill level. The workouts are announced on the Thursday before the weekend. We are doing the workouts on Friday classes so current members can give them a try. The next two judged Open workouts will be completed by our participating athletes on March 5th and March 12th, first heat starting at 11am. We encourage you to come down to the gym to watch and cheer them on! 

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