September Straight Talk

September 1, 2021
September Straight Talk


September 1, 2021

Nothing says “commitment” like the assault bike.
Nothing says “commitment” like the assault bike.

I came across a great quote this weekend that I have been thinking a lot about. The context is not exactly the same, but I'm not sure that it matters.

When people tell me that they've tried everything, it usually means that they have not been consistent with anything.

I don't know about you, but that really hits home for me. I'm quick to decide that nothing is working to solve whatever problem is the subject of my current ire. It doesn't matter if I'm referring to my workout or nutrition strategy, time management, or just keeping my desk clean. The maxim applies pretty universally. I can list all the things I've tried, but when I look at my commitment to those things or the consistent application of any single solution, I begin to have a clearer picture of where the problem may lie.

Let's narrow our focus to fitness and nutrition--after all, that's the commonality that we share and my area of expertise. There are thousands of opinions, plans, and programming options out there. Some come from left field and are full blown quackery but the vast majority will move the needle in the right direction for the vast majority of us if applied consistently. So how do we know which plan to follow?

What is the best fitness program to lose weight?

What about to gain muscle or be a better mountain biker or run a marathon?

Which diet or nutrition plan will get me the best results?

The answer to all of these questions is the same in almost all cases. The answer is that it is the one that you will consistently practice.

This is where Catacombs comes in. We work to not only provide great programming and coaches that will get you results, but also one that you WANT TO FOLLOW. The best programming in the world is useless if you don't show up every day and put in the work. A huge part of our job is figuring out how to crack that nut for each individual that walks through our door. Some of us connect with others in our class and that camaraderie keeps us coming back day after day. We carry each other. Others of us work one on one with a coach for accountability and consistency. Still others just need the structure of a daily programmed workout and a coach to take us through it so that our only job is to get through the gym door everyday.

Working out at Catacombs is not the only way to improve your health and fitness by any stretch. There are dozens of options. We have put together a very effective training platform and reinforced it with all the accountability and support to help crack the "stick to it long enough for it to work" problem. The best fitness plan is the one you will consistently do.

If you are a current Catacombs member and you aren't where you want to be with your fitness and nutrition, how is your consistency? Let's turn some knobs and see if we can get you back in the sweet spot. Commit to a certain number of classes per week, utilize SugarWOD, or let your coach help you set some goals. Tell a workout buddy about your commitment for extra accountability. Let's invest in the solution at hand before changing course.

If you aren't currently a member of our tribe, come talk to us about where you are and let's talk about how we can help and all the options available. Do not believe the story that many of us tell ourselves around needing to get in better shape before you come in. It rarely works that way and we ALL start at the beginning.

Finally, a heartfelt thanks to all who came out for our Member Appreciation Party last Friday and to all who have helped build Catacombs Fitness Collective over the last 8 years. It was so humbling to see the full force of our community and experience the energy of sweat forged friendships and bonds. I am beyond grateful for all the support you give to me and the coaching staff and each other. None of this is possible without you.

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