Eyes Up!

January 15, 2022
Eyes Up!



January 15, 2022

Hey Catacombs Family--

I just finished coaching the morning block of classes and we were front squatting for the strength segment. One cue I heard myself using multiple times was "eyes up". In a front squat, if you look at the floor, your chest has a tendency to drop and that is no bueno for heavy lifting. As it turns out, “eyes up” also works pretty well for the times we are living in right now. Our community is struggling with illness (covid and otherwise), businesses are struggling with staffing and supply chain issues, families are struggling with missed school, work, and canceled childcare. At eye level, it feels like A LOT.

But there is a lot of good happening too.

You may have to look just above the line of sight to see it though. I saw athletes back in class today after being out sick. People were hitting PRs in the gym this morning. Smiles and encouragement are present in abundance. Athletes are working toward goals or starting again after setbacks. I'm reminded of the positive impact on my mood and well-being by spending time in our gym community and getting out of the weeds. My message for you today is short and sweet. Keep your eyes up, team; good things are happening.

Update on outdoor space, masks, garage doors, etc.

We are through the hardest part and should be able to reliably use outdoor space beginning Wednesday. Roof decking is going up on Monday and Tuesday. Heaters will be installed in sections after that, but we are working to have a section of the outdoor space available for those of you who prefer to be outside during that phase. Once the heaters are in, you will ALL want to be outside. Thanks to Steve Gates and Natalie Mik for all the work to help us get back outside ASAP.

In an effort to keep the gym, our athletes, and our staff as safe as possible, we are keeping garage doors at least partially open when we are working out. Air exchange is very important in reducing risk--even if it is cold. Please don't ask the coaches to close the doors as this is our current policy for group classes. And finally, while not required, please feel free to wear a face covering for all or part of your time at the gym.

Thanks everyone for helping to make it a great week. We appreciate your patience, encouragement, and kindness.

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